Section 1: Learning as Our Fundamental Purpose

Question 1 of 19

Begin the PLC Navigator quiz!

The PLC at Work® process is increasingly recognized as the most powerful strategy for sustained, substantive school improvement—so we’re thrilled for you to be one of the hundreds of PLCs worldwide!

Take the quiz on the following pages to determine where you’re at on your PLC journey, and identify potential next steps.

Teams build shared knowledge regarding state standards, district curriculum guides, trends in achievement, and expectations for the next course or grade level.

We work together to identify policies and procedures that encourage learning in areas such as homework, grading, discipline, and recognition.

Teams work to clarify the criteria by which we will judge student work and practice applying those criteria consistently.

We identify the specific standard or target students must achieve on each of the essential skills addressed by the formative assessment.

We monitor student learning on essential outcomes through team-developed formative assessments that are aligned with district and state assessments.

We provide a system of interventions that guarantees each student receives additional time and support for learning, if needed.

Students are required, rather than invited, to devote extra time and receive additional support until they are successful.

We have developed strategies to extend and enrich the learning of students who have mastered essential skills.

We are organized into collaborative teams in which members work together interdependently to achieve common goals.

We are provided time, during the contractual day and school year, to meet as a team.

We have developed and adhere to team norms.

We use team time to engage in collective inquiry on questions specifically linked to gains in student achievement.

Teams are called on to generate and submit products, which result from work on critical questions related to student learning.

Each of our teams has identified a SMART goal that aligns with one of our school goals.

Team members receive timely feedback regarding the performance of his or her students on team, district, and state assessments.

We use common assessments to identify students who need additional time and support for learning.

We use common assessments to discover strengths and weaknesses in our individual teaching.

We use common assessments to help measure our team’s progress toward its goals.

For each of the academic and affective goals we identified for students, we ask, “How do we know if students are achieving this goal?”

You're almost finished!

Tell us about yourself

Tell us about your school or district