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It’s Possible!
Leadership and Coaching Activities for Enriching the Process
Applying the findings from the science of reading as well as the research on school leadership and highly effective schools, authors Pati Montgomery and Angela Hanlin guide principals and leaders on how to build systems and structures needed to ensure quality literacy instruction. Principals and leaders can implement the science of reading, support teachers, and increase literacy proficiency for all.
- Understand how to design a tiered literacy intervention program.
- Gather and interpret assessment data to ensure student literacy is on target.
- Provide professional development that best supports teachers.
- Create a quality master schedule.
- Collaborate with colleagues to provide equitable reading instruction for all students.
Chapter 1: Getting Started With Structured Literacy Instruction
Chapter 2: Implementing Universal Instruction
Chapter 3: Creating a Comprehensive Assessment Plan
Chapter 4: Intervening Quickly
Chapter 5: Conducting Effective Data Analysis
Chapter 6: Aligning Instructional Strategies With Data
Chapter 7: Prioritizing Ongoing Professional Development for Educators
Chapter 8: Collaborating Through Shared Leadership
Epilogue: It’s Possible
Appendix A: Science of Reading Overview
Appendix B: Lesson Plan Template
Appendix C: Performance Level Profiles With Small-Group Suggestions
Important Corrections for the First Printing
Read about important corrections for the first printing here.
Chapter 1: Foundational PLC at Work Concepts
Chapter 2: Implementing Universal Instruction
Chapter 3: Creating a Comprehensive Assessment Plan
Chapter 4: Intervening Quickly
Chapter 5: Conducting Effective Data Analysis
- Figure 5.3: Beginning of the Year Benchmark Data Analysis Protocol
- Figure 5.4: Middle-of-the-Year Benchmark Data Analysis Protocol
- Figure 5.5: End of the Year Benchmark Data Analysis Protocol
- Figure 5.10: First-Grade Student Dot Card
- Figure 5.10: First-Grade Student Example Dot Card
- Data Analysis
Chapter 6: Aligning Instructional Strategies With Data
Chapter 7: Prioritizing Ongoing Professional Development for Educators
Chapter 8: Collaborating Through Shared Leadership
- Figure 8.1: School Leadership Team Agenda
- Figure 8.5: Five Facets of Trust Principal Self-Reflection Survey
- Masterful Schedule Examples
- Collaboration
Appendix B: Lesson Plan Template
- Buffum, A., Mattos, M., & Malone, J. (2018). Taking action: A handbook for RTI at Work. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
- Buffum, A., Mattos, M., & Weber, C. (2012). Simplifying response to intervention: Four essential guiding principles. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
- DuFour R., and Marzano, R. J. (2011). Leaders of learning: How district, school, and classroom leaders improve student achievement. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
- DuFour, R., DuFour, R., Eaker, R., Many, T. W., & Mattos, M. (2016). Learning by doing: A handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work (3rd ed.). Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
- DuFour, R., DuFour, R., Eaker, R., Many, T. W., Mattos, M., & Muhammad, A. (2024). Learning by doing: A handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work (4th ed.). Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
- Lezotte, L. W., & Snyder, K. M. (2011). What effective schools do: Re-envisioning the correlates. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
- Marzano, R. J. (2019). The handbook for the new art and science of teaching. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
- Marzano, R. J. (2020). Teaching basic, advanced, and academic vocabulary: A comprehensive framework for elementary instruction. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Resources.
- Mattos, M., Buffum, A., Malone, J., Cruz, L. F., Dimich, N., & Schuhl, S. (2025). Taking action: A handbook for RTI at Work (2nd ed.). Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
- Phonological Awareness Screening Test (PAST)
- Diagnostic Decoding Surveys, Really Great Reading
- Quick Phonics Screener, Read Naturally
- Acadience
- aimswebPlus
- FastBridge
- DAR-2: Diagnostic Assessments and Reading, Second Edition
- CTOPP-2: Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing, Second Edition
- WRMT-III: Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests, Third Edition
Chapter 4
- Lexia Core5 Reading
- Amira
- i-Ready Reading
- Schools Cubed
- SIPPS, Fifth Edition (K–12), Collaborative Classroom
- Complimentary Reading Assessments (K–12), Really Great Reading
- 95 RAP, 95 Percent Group
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
- Blending Board, Reading Rockets:
- Approved List of Decodable Readers, Schools Cubed
- Phonic Books
- Reading Rockets
- Florida Center for Reading Research
- 95 Percent Group
- Enhanced Core Reading Instruction
- University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI) Foundations
- 95 Comprehension, Grades 3–6
Chapter 7
- Keys to Literacy
- Top 10 Tools for Teachers
- Lexia LETRS
- Reading 101 Learning Modules, Reading Rockets
- The Reading League Online Academy
- IRIS Center
- Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
- SEL in the School, CASEL
- Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom (NCEE 2008-012)
- Keys to Literacy
- Improving Instructional Practices and Student Outcomes With Top 10 Tools, 95 Percent Group
- Reading 101: Self-Paced Learning Modules, Reading Rockets
- The Reading League Online Academy
- Learning Forward
Chapter 8
Appendix A
Appendix C
- Kindergarten and First Grade, Florida Center for Reading Research
- The Alphabetic Principle, Reading Rockets
- Kindergarten and First Grade, Florida Center for Reading Research
- Classroom Strategy Library, Reading Rockets
- Classroom Strategy Library, Reading Rockets
- Classroom Strategy Library, Reading Rockets
- Classroom Strategy Library, Reading Rockets
- Classroom Strategy Library, Reading Rockets