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Erica Barraza

Erica Barraza currently serves as the instructional coach at Lotus Elementary School in Fox Lake, Illinois. With more than 15 years of experience in education, she specializes in providing effective professional learning opportunities to educators.

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Erica Barraza

Erica Barraza currently serves as the instructional coach at Lotus Elementary School in Fox Lake, Illinois. With more than 15 years of experience as an educator, Erica specializes in creating a culture for learning through collaboration, fostering inclusive practices through the lens of equity, and building foundational skills through systematic, explicit instruction.

Erica specializes in providing effective professional learning opportunities to educators in order to maintain excellence in education. She works with teachers, teams, and administration to promote reflection, assist in instructional decision making, and provide real-time support and feedback. She is dedicated to fostering a culture in which educators value continuous improvement, collaboration, and a results-oriented approach to systematically improving student outcomes.

She has presented at the Raising Student Achievement Conference, is a published author through Solution Tree’s AllThingsPLC Magazine, and is a 2018 Golden Apple recipient.

Erica earned a master’s degree in teacher leadership, holds an ESL certificate, and is certified in trauma-informed education.

Yes We Can!

Yes We Can! experts have proven success in improving outcomes for students with special needs. Work with them to develop collaborative partnerships in order to implement inclusive processes and programs that support every learner in your school community.

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Presentations by Erica Barraza

  • Backwards Design: From Prioritizing & Unpacking Standards to Building Progression Ladders & Assessments
  • Yes We Can: Inclusive Practices
  • Building Proficiency Scales
  • Culturally Responsive Practices
  • Head to Heart Classroom Management