Jadi Miller
Jadi Miller, EdD, is director of assessment for Elkhorn Public Schools in Elkhorn, Nebraska. She has experience as a teacher and an administrator at the elementary, secondary, and district levels.
Jadi Miller
Jadi Miller, EdD, is director of assessment for Elkhorn Public Schools in Elkhorn, Nebraska. She has experience as a teacher and an administrator at the elementary, secondary, and district levels. Dr. Miller was principal of two elementary schools identified as low performing and led the processes for building teacher capacity and improving student achievement. These efforts resulted in both schools winning awards for school improvement.
Dr. Miller has worked with teachers, schools, and districts to implement standards-based curriculum, instruction, and assessment, as well as effective collaborative practices. She has designed and delivered ongoing, job-embedded professional development that enhances school and district improvement efforts.
Jadi received a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Kansas. She earned a master’s degree and a doctoral degree in educational administration from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Assessment Collaborative
Assessment Collaborative experts have proven success in developing and implementing sustainable assessment practices that garner hope through achievement. Work with them to create assessment systems that provide accurate, meaningful, and actionable information to drive student learning.
“The most valuable aspect of this session was having Jadi confirm what we are doing is the most beneficial as well as her guidance in next steps.”