Every student can learn mathematics
Mathematics at Work™offers a comprehensive Professional Learning Communities at Work® approach to achieving mathematics success in PreK-12 classrooms. The Mathematics at Work framework empowers teachers, teacher teams, and mathematics education leaders to reflect upon and refine current common assessments and assessment processes, Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions, unit planning and lesson planning design, and high quality mathematics content and tasks based on high-quality, research-affirmed criteria.
The conditions, routines, tools, and actions for adult learning of mathematics together reside in the walls of our Every Student Can Learn Mathematics series.
Ready to continue your professional growth for mathematics instruction, assessment, unit planning, tasks and action for student engagement, agency, self-efficacy, and effort routines? Take the first step by downloading a white paper on why Timothy D. Kanold and his colleagues developed Mathematics at Work and how you can continue a positive professional trajectory for the successful teaching and learning of mathematics that will help all children learn at grade level and beyond.

On-Site Professional Development
Bring Mathematics in a PLC at Work Experts to your School or District

Explore mathematics workshops, institutes, and summits to find your perfect fit.