- Educator Wellness
A Guide for Sustaining Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Social Well-Being
Educator and teacher self-care can be challenging, but embracing a holistic health and wellness plan can improve your physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being both inside and outside of school. This reflective journal provides the ideas and guidance you need to support you on your wellness journey.
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- Behavior Solutions
Teaching Academic and Social Skills Through RTI at Work™
Take strategic action to close the systemic behavior gap with the support of Behavior Solutions. Foster social-emotional learning (SEL) by utilizing the PLC at Work® and RTI at Work™ processes to boost student metacognition and create an action plan for meeting their psychological needs.
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- 50 Strategies to Boost Cognitive Engagement
Creating a Thinking Culture in the Classroom
Access 50 teacher-tested instructional strategies for building a classroom culture of thinking. Engage students’ cognitive abilities and foster essential 21st century skills—from critical thinking and problem-solving to teamwork and creativity.
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- Time for Change
Four Essential Skills for Transformational School and District Leaders
Discover how to develop and strengthen the four essential skills of effective educational leaders. Inspire a shared vision of strategic change and overcome resistance through strong communication, trust building, empowerment of those you lead, and a focus on results.
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- Poor Students, Rich Teaching [Revised Edition]
Seven High-Impact Mindsets for Students From Poverty
Student poverty and adversity don’t have to prevent student success. Examine how poverty affects education, achievement, and motivation for students across the U.S. and discover seven mindsets for ensuring college and career readiness for all students, regardless of socioeconomic status.
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- Make It Happen
Coaching With the Four Critical Questions of PLCs at Work®
Discover powerful instructional coaching tools, strategies, and processes aligned to the four critical questions of Professional Learning Communities at Work®. Ensure all collaborative teams in your PLC school are engaged in the right work to support student learning.
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Fully Forming Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader
Empower your collaborative team to uncover their professional impact and support their passion for teaching with this inspiring book and video set. Use the award-winning book HEART! by Timothy Kanold and facilitator’s guide to implement the video in book study groups.
$95.95 - The Handbook for the New Art and Science of Teaching
This practical handbook will guide you through implementing competency-based education that improves student learning outcomes and academic achievement. Better understand and utilize the research-based instructional strategies and teaching methods of the Marzano framework in your classroom, school, or district.
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- Transforming School Culture [DVD/CD/Facilitator's Guide/Book]
Address staff resistance and create a positive school culture with this book and video set, which includes Transforming School Culture by Anthony Muhammad. Follow one district’s staff and educational leadership as they explore a school improvement plan that created a positive school culture and became an award-winning district.
$199.95 - Transforming School Culture [Streaming Video]
Address staff resistance and create a positive school culture with this book and video set, which includes Transforming School Culture by Anthony Muhammad. Follow one district’s staff and educational leadership as they explore a school improvement plan that created a positive school culture and became an award-winning district.