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Results-Driven Virtual PD for Educators

Receive the same expert-led professional learning you know and trust—all without leaving your home office.

Solution Tree's Virtual PD makes it possible for teachers, leaders, and teams to continue to take part in meaningful professional development led by trusted thought leaders and master practitioners. Rely on each of our distance learning options to deliver custom guidance and support aligned to the timely topics that are most relevant to you and your school community:


Luis F. Cruz answers the question of whether professional learning communities can succeed virtually.

Virtual PD Services

Speak to associates like Julie Schmidt during a Virtual Coaching

Virtual Coaching

Address and respond to the needs of our current educational landscape with expert-led coaching sessions for administrators, district teams, or school teams.

  • Access expert support and guidance for leaders and teams as they address the challenging issues facing schools today.
  • Provide critical differentiated and responsive support so that teachers and leaders have what they need to succeed.
  • Receive the support needed to create and execute a viable plan for closing current and future gaps in instruction.
  • Access expert advice and guidance on a variety of topics that will help school and district teams move forward in a positive manner.
  • Troubleshoot ways to keep student learning on track in a rapidly changing environment.
Speak to an associate in a workshop-style presentation

Customized Virtual PD Workshops

Sustain the professional growth of your school or district by providing a high-quality virtual professional development experience.

  • Give staff the same expert guidance and support they would receive during an on-site PD day on topics such as PLC at Work®, RTI at Work, assessment, math, social and emotional learning, equity, and more.
  • Acquire a custom mix of targeted advice, strategies, tools, and techniques.
  • Receive clear guidance on how to put knowledge into action and begin implementing what you've learned.
Talk to an associate like Luis Cruz

Virtual Coaching for PLC Principals

Enhance your skills as a principal or district-level administrator with real-time virtual coaching around the PLC at Work® process

  • Work through a framework designed to help principals successfully implement the PLC process.
  • Receive personalized counsel on how to lead your school or district team.
  • Navigate the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly challenges of building and leading a PLC committed to continuous improvement.
  • Participate in ten one-hour virtual meetings as an individual or five one-hour virtual meetings as a team.
Hear from experts from a Virtual Keynote

Virtual Keynotes

Gain inspiration and knowledge through virtual keynotes on relevant and impactful topics.

  • Hear from leading experts in the field of education, including Timothy D. Kanold, Robert J. Marzano, Mike Mattos, Anthony Muhammad, Maria Nielsen, and Regina Stephens Owens.
  • Motivate and learn with your team, even when you can’t be in the same room.
  • Gain new insights through each thoughtfully crafted presentation.
  • Provide a consistent message so that everyone benefits from the same learning.
Hear from experts from a Interactive Web Conferencing Session

Interactive Web Conferencing Sessions

Effectively navigate new challenges and cycles of change with customized, expert-led learning sessions.

  • Rely on our experts to help you navigate the challenges you face, through a customized 75-minute virtual session.
  • Engage in productive small-group learning with your school or district team.
  • Acquire proven strategies and participate in formative conversations.
  • Deepen your knowledge on timely and relevant topics such as PLC at Work®, RTI at Work, assessment, math, social and emotional learning, equity, and more.
Group working on PD

Implement It!

Take the next critical steps on your PLC at Work® journey with Implement It!, a series of virtual services that will help you and your team put knowledge into action and achieve higher levels of learning.

  • Choose from four complementary learning tracks to focus on for six months, including Collaborative Teams, Common Formative Assessment, RTI at Work™, and Essential Learning.
  • Work with a certified coach who will answer your leadership team’s questions and provide feedback during three 60-minute virtual coaching sessions.
  • Participate in a whole-staff, interactive web conference led by your certified coach.
  • Leverage the Leadership Guide, which includes five learning activities your leadership team can adapt to your school’s current reality.

”I was honestly worried about how engaging a virtual coaching session would work. I was pleasantly surprised with how well it went. Our time was well spent and just flew by…Nobody does this work better than the Solution Tree team! In all the craziness going on with the Coronavirus, we wondered if we should cancel. We are so glad we didn't!“

Terri Romo, assistant superintendent, curriculum and instruction, Sierra Vista Unified District, Arizona

Learning Always and From Anywhere White Paper

By Karen Power

Get fresh insights on how virtual learning can open new doors for building team knowledge and nurturing personal professional growth.