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Lisa Carter

Lisa Carter is a nationally recognized presenter, keynote speaker, author, and consultant. She began her career as an elementary school teacher and has served as an administrator at the elementary and secondary levels.

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Lisa Carter

Lisa Carter is a nationally recognized presenter, keynote speaker, author, and consultant. She began her career as an elementary school teacher in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Lisa has served as an administrator at the elementary and secondary levels and has worked in rural and urban schools. Fifteen years ago, she became affiliated with Dr. Lawrence Lezotte and effective schools research, a relationship that inspires her work today.

Lisa is a dynamic public speaker whose expert knowledge comes from real experience as a practitioner. Her presentations focus on the Total Instructional Alignment™ process, transitioning to the Common Core State Standards through Total Instructional Alignment™, effective teaching, effective schools research implementation, and instructional leadership development.

Lisa received a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and master’s degrees in early childhood education and school administration from East Carolina University. She also has an education specialist degree.

Presentations by Lisa Carter

  • Total Instructional Alignment™: The Process of Aligning Standards, Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction
  • Total Instructional Alignment™: Leadership Development
  • Quality Instructional Strategies to Support Total Instructional Alignment™
  • Effective Schools Research Implementation: Moving Research to Practice
  • Developing a Total Instructional Alignment™ Curriculum Document
  • Five Big Ideas That Will Transform Your School
  • Drilling Deeper With Tools and Processes for Total Instructional Alignment™
  • Implementing Common Core Standards: Creating the Conditions for Success Through Total Instructional Alignment™
  • Implementing Common Core Standards: A Close-Up Look at the Essential Total Instructional Alignment™ Tools and Processes
  • Effective Teaching Practice and Common Core Standards: Back to the Basics of Quality Instruction

“Lisa Carter was a great speaker. Every minute was well spent and valuable.”

Martha Lenthe, teacher, Lighthouse Christian Academy, Indiana

“I left feeling more prepared for the journey ahead. Very well presented!”

Christie Spurlock, teacher, Lighthouse Christian Academy, Indiana