Juli K. Dixon
Juli K. Dixon, PhD, is a professor of mathematics education at the University of Central Florida. An active researcher, she has also taught mathematics at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels.
Juli K. Dixon
Watch Juli K. Dixon guide a class of elementary students to solve a word problem.
Juli K. Dixon, PhD, is a professor of mathematics education at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in Orlando. Prior to joining the faculty at UCF, Dr. Dixon was a secondary mathematics educator at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and a public school mathematics teacher in urban school settings at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels. Dr. Dixon is focused on improving teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching so that they support their students to communicate and justify mathematical ideas.
She is a prolific writer who has authored and coauthored books, textbooks, chapters, and articles. She is also a lead author on the Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching professional development book and video series as well as for the K–12 school mathematics textbooks GO Math!, AGA, Integrated Math, and Into Math. Especially important to Dr. Dixon is the need to teach each and every student. She often shares her personal story of supporting her own children with special needs to learn mathematics in an inclusive setting. Dr. Dixon published A Stroke of Luck: A Girl’s Second Chance at Life with her daughter, Jessica Dixon. A sought-after speaker, Dr. Dixon has delivered keynotes and other presentations throughout North America.
Dr. Dixon received a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and education from the State University of New York at Potsdam, a master’s degree in mathematics education from Syracuse University, and a doctorate in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in mathematics education from the University of Florida.
Dr. Dixon is a leader in DNA Mathematics. To learn more about Dr. Dixon’s work supporting children with special needs, visit www.astrokeofluck.net, and to learn more about Dr. Dixon’s work supporting teachers, follow @thestrokeofluck on Twitter.
DNA Mathematics
DNA Mathematics experts understand that educators need to experience mathematics as both teachers and learners. Work with these experts to deepen your understanding of mathematics and facilitate students to do the same.
Presentations by Juli K. Dixon
- Multiplication Fact Fluency: A Schoolwide Solution
- Redefining Success: Supporting All Students to Reach Their Full Potential
- Five Instructional Shifts for Supporting Rigorous Standards
- Six Essential Expectations for Effective Mathematics Instruction
- Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching with Your Collaborative Team: The TQE Process
- The Essential Flaw with the Essential Question (and How to Fix It!)
- Making the Most of Small-Group Instruction in Mathematics
- Planning for Assessment in Mathematics Instruction with the TQE Process
- Mathematical Practices in Action: Using Video-Supported Examples
- Teaching for Depth Across the Grades: A Natural Progression
- Transforming Mathematics Teaching: Examples that Take Us from Dissonance to Depth
- Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Geometry
- Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Measurement
- Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Fractions
- Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Whole-Number Concepts and Computation
- Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Algebraic Thinking