Thomasenia Lott Adams
Thomasenia Lott Adams, PhD, is a professor of mathematics education. Her multifaceted career in mathematics education includes serving as a K–12 mathematics coach and serving the field across local, state, national, and international platforms.
Thomasenia Lott Adams
Thomasenia Lott Adams, PhD, is associate dean for research and faculty development in the College of Education (COE) at the University of Florida (UF). She is also a professor of mathematics education in the School of Teaching & Learning in COE. She has taught undergraduate mathematics, undergraduate and graduate teacher preparation, and has served as a mathematics coach at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels.
Dr. Adams has an impressive array of engagement in the field of mathematics education. She is a coauthor of Solution Tree’s Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching series. Her current professional activity includes serving as an associate editor for Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK–12 and as the mathematics program officer for the UF Lastinger Center for Learning.
Her past professional activities include serving as the editor for the Mathematical Roots Department in Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School and coeditor for the Investigations Department of Teaching Children Mathematics. She has also served as a board member for the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and School Science and Mathematics Association. She is a past president of the Florida Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and a recipient of the Mary L. Collins Teacher Educator of the Year Award from the Florida Association of Teacher Educators.
Dr. Adams is an accomplished researcher, presenter, and author of professional development books, a K–6 mathematics text series, peer-reviewed journal articles, and mathematics professional development programs.
She received a bachelor of science in mathematics from South Carolina State College and a master of education and doctorate of philosophy in instruction and curriculum with emphasis in mathematics education from UF.
DNA Mathematics
DNA Mathematics experts understand that educators need to experience mathematics as both teachers and learners. Work with these experts to deepen your understanding of mathematics and facilitate students to do the same.
Presentations by Thomasenia Lott Adams
- Common Core State Standards in Mathematics: What We Need to Know/What We Need to Do
- Mathematics Teaching in the Common Core Era
- Teaching for Mathematics Proficiency: Role of the Mathematical Practices
- Cultural Responsive Mathematics Teaching
- Building Cultural Congruity for African American Learners of Mathematics
- Parent Power for Students’ Mathematics Learning
- Making Mathematics Theorems Accessible to Students
- Generalizing, Formalizing, Justifying: Algebra for Understanding Geometry
- Geometry Through the Five Strands of Mathematics Proficiency
- Teaching Knowledge Fractions
- Teacher Knowledge for Rational Number and Proportional Reasoning
- Teacher Knowledge for Measurement and Proportional Reasoning
- Teacher Knowledge for Algebraic Thinking
- Empowering Students With Number Sense
- Problem Solving for Diverse Learners
- Patterns and Problem Solving
- Problem Solving Across the Mathematics Curriculum
- Ten 10s Every Mathematics PLC Must Do (or Have or Be)
- Mathematics PLC 101: Getting Started, Keeping It Going
- Creating Academic Success for Every Child
- The Problem with Problem Solving
- No Shh! In Math Class: The Power of Mathematical Discourse in Grades K–8
White Papers
“I really liked how the presenter used the same strategies on us as educators would on students. She pushed people to think and to participate. That was very effective.”