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Items 21-30 of 81

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  1. Passion and Persistence

    How to Develop a Professional Learning Community at Work™

    This seven-minute motivational video for teachers, administrators, and staff from Richard DuFour will help you start and sustain the PLC process. Use the professional learning community video and bonus footage to inspire a collaborative team environment in your school or district.


    Streaming Video

  2. Take Time for You

    Self-Care Action Plans for Educators

    Create an individualized self-care plan based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This book provides doable wellness and self-assessment activities and reflection questions for teachers and educators.


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  3. The Beginning Teacher’s Field Guide

    Embarking on Your First Years

    The joys and pains of starting a teaching career often go undiscussed. This guide explores the personal side of teaching, outlining classroom strategies and self-care practices.


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  4. Targeting Behavior and Academic Interventions [Streaming Video]

    A Process to Diagnose and Coordinate Student Supports

    As a step-by-step guide to the Pro-Solve Process of behavioral interventions, this RTI at Work™ (MTSS) video will guide teacher teams in increasing student success.


    Streaming Video

  5. Standards-Based Learning in Action

    Moving From Theory to Practice

    Learn how to overcome the knowing-doing gap in standards-based learning systems, and move toward unpacking the standards and learning targets your students need.


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  6. Amplify Your Impact

    Coaching Collaborative Teams in PLCs at Work™

    This book will help instructional leadership increase the collaborative learning of its teacher teams through a framework of collaborative coaching methods.


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    Paperback, eBook

  7. Embedded Formative Assessment

    Second Edition

    Drive student engagement, learning, and success using effective assessment strategies in the classroom. The second edition of Dylan Wiliam’s best-selling book presents new research, insights, and examples as well as updated classroom formative assessment strategies and techniques teachers can implement immediately.


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  8. Transforming School Culture

    How to Overcome Staff Division

    This second edition provides a school improvement plan for leaders to overcome staff division, improve relationships, and build positive school cultures. Learn school leadership techniques for addressing the four types of teachers that impact your school culture.


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  9. Timebomb [Streaming Video]

    The Cost of Dropping Out

    Uncover research with Mike Mattos, who highlights the lifelong negative effects that an incomplete education has on students’ futures: illiteracy, poverty, poor quality of life, more illness, and a shortened lifespan.


    Streaming Video

  10. HEART!

    Fully Forming Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader

    Use this resource to reflect on your professional journey and discover how to foster productive, heart-centered classrooms and schools.


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