Event Book Bundles
- Proficiency-Based Grading in the Content Areas
Insights and Key Questions for Secondary Schools
Discover a clear path for implementing a proficiency-based grading (evidence-based grading) system where student growth is at the heart of every classroom, in every content area, from career and technical education to world languages.
$57.50Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- RTI at Work™ Plan Book
Create a student intervention plan that leads to success for all. With 40 weekly planning pages and space for eight class periods, the RTI at Work™ Plan Book by Austin Buffum and Mike Mattos will guide teachers and collaborative team through implementing response to intervention (RTI) within a PLC at Work®.
$39.00Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- Coaching Your Classroom
How to Deliver Actionable Feedback to Students
Learn how to employ effective feedback to create a student-centered culture in your classroom. Understand the importance of high-quality student feedback and communication in the classroom and how you can coach your students to their next steps.
$47.00Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- 100-Day Leaders
Turning Short-Term Wins Into Long-Term Success in Schools
Dramatically increase student achievement and transform school culture in only 100 days. Using focused, strategic planning and change management, educational leadership can make significant changes that lead to continuous school improvement.
$40.50Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- Building Your Building
How to Hire and Keep Great Teachers
Ensure you hire—and retain—great teachers with the support of this practical book from Jasmine K. Kullar and Scott A. Cunningham. Learn techniques for teacher recruitment and retention that will draw effective teachers to your school and reduce teacher turnover.
$53.50Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- Help Your Team
Overcoming Common Collaborative Challenges in a PLC at Work®
Overcome common struggles encountered by collaborative teams in PLCs with this book written by Professional Learning Communities at Work® experts. This practical book will guide team building for teachers and staff in order to create highly effective teams committed to learning for all.
$47.00Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- Doing What Works
Ten Common-Sense Leadership Practices to Improve Student Learning
While new ideas and innovative programs and pedagogies are exciting, the simplest methods are often the most effective. In Doing What Works, author Chris Weber outlines ten practical, common-sense practices proven to transform student learning and propel school success.
$53.50Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- Coaching Teachers in Bilingual and Dual-Language Classrooms
A Responsive Cycle for Observation and Feedback
Develop instructional coaching specific to bilingual education to support dual-language learners. Discover a proven process for an effective observation and feedback cycle to coach bilingual teachers and dual-language classrooms.
$47.00Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- How Schools Thrive
Building a Coaching Culture for Collaborative Teams in PLCs at Work®
Access concrete ideas and effective coaching strategies for improving your team’s professional practice around the essential elements of the PLC at Work® process. Discover instructional coaching strategies to enhance your team’s professional practice.
$53.50Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- Finding Fulfillment
A Path to Reclaiming Hope and Empowerment for Educators
Develop a renewed sense of well-being, empowerment, and happiness in your career with the support of Finding Fulfillment and the self-determination theory. Gain tools and techniques for administrator and teacher empowerment in schools.
$47.00Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout