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Tom Schimmer

Tom Schimmer is an author and a speaker with expertise in assessment, grading, leadership, and behavioral support. He is a former district-level leader, school administrator, and teacher.

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Tom Schimmer explains the role that assessment played during his experience as a practitioner.

Tom Schimmer

Tom Schimmer is an author and a speaker with expertise in assessment, grading, leadership, and behavioral support. An educator for more than 20 years, Tom is a former district-level leader, high school principal, school administrator, and teacher. As a district-level leader, he was a member of the senior management team responsible for overseeing the efforts to support and build the instructional capacities of teachers and administrators.

Tom is a sought-after speaker who presents internationally for schools and districts.

He earned a teaching degree from Boise State University and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from the University of British Columbia.

Maple Leaf Canadian presenter

Assessment Collaborative

Assessment Collaborative experts have proven success in developing and implementing sustainable assessment practices that garner hope through achievement. Work with them to create assessment systems that provide accurate, meaningful, and actionable information to drive student learning.

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Presentations by Tom Schimmer

  • Grading From the Inside Out
  • Balanced and Accurate Assessments
  • Instructional Agility
  • Effective Leadership for Assessment
  • Effective Leadership for Standards-Based Grading
  • Confidence Through Competence
  • Reaffirming, Reworking, and Rethinking Our Assessment Fundamentals for the 21st Century
  • Accurate Grading With a Standards-Based Mindset
  • A Primer on Assessing Cross-Curricular Competencies
  • Quality Assessment Items
  • Most Recent or Most Frequent?
  • Setting the Table for Standards-Based Grading

"Tom debunks assessment myths and rebuilds using authentic assessment strategies that provide high-quality reporting focused on student learning."

Helen Plummer, district principal of curriculum, Chilliwack School District, British Columbia

"In his professional and friendly approach, he set us up for success. Our district recommends him all the way."

Amelie Richard, lead teacher, Francophone de la Colombie-Britannique, British Columbia

“Tom is an engaging presenter. He connects with the audience and offers rich content that is profound in its simplicity but demonstrates and reminds that the shift in assessment, evaluation, and reporting practices is not easy.”

Tiffany Cadotte, secondary programming consultant, MISA, Ontario