- Mathematics Unit Planning in a PLC at Work®, Grades 6–8
Improve mathematics achievement across grades 6–8 through a collaborative unit planning process. This resource will help educators in a professional learning community (PLC) with mathematics unit planning and collaborative teaching for middle school, junior high school, and intermediate schools.
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- Mathematics Unit Planning in a PLC at Work®, Grades 3–5
Part of the Every Student Can Learn Mathematics series, this practical resource provides a teacher framework for collectively planning a unit of study with learning outcomes in grades 3–5. Foster team collaboration that helps students use appropriate tools to improve their math vocabulary and meet academic standards.
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- The New Art and Science of Teaching Mathematics
Make the most of the New Art and Science of Teaching model in math classrooms. Discover teaching resources, tools, and instructional strategies for math that will aid teachers in articulating learning targets, conducting math lessons, tracking students’ learning outcomes, and more.
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- Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Girls in Grades K–5
Close the gender gap in mathematics. Acquire tools, tips, short exercises, and reflection questions that will help you understand the math and gender stereotypes impacting girls’ education and eliminate gender bias through effective elementary school math instruction.
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- Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching to Inform Instructional Quality
Discover clear teaching strategies and rubrics for improving your instructional strategies for teaching mathematics at any grade level. Watch videos of effective math strategies in action and gain the tools to bring TQE process into the classroom.
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- Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning
Discover the 4 Shifts Protocol for integrating technology in the classroom, a clear approach that promotes deeper, personalized learning across subjects and grade levels. This quick read will help guide you through educational technology integration and digital learning space creation.
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- Owning It
Proven Strategies to Ace and Embrace Teaching
With its conversational style, Owning It prepares teachers both new and experienced to take command of their many roles in their classrooms, schools, and communities. Learn to embrace the struggles teachers face daily and implement effective teaching strategies to ensure all students succeed and close the achievement gap for youth at risk.
$53.50Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout
- Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching the Small Group
Make sense of effective characteristics of K–5 small-group instruction in mathematics. Connect new understandings to classroom practice through the use of authentic classroom video of pulled small groups in action. Use the TQE (Tasks, Questions, Evidence) process to plan time effectively for small-group instruction.
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- Cultivating Mindfulness in the Classroom
Discover how to use research-based mindfulness practices to help improve your students’ social and emotional wellness as they learn and grow.
$47.00 - A Mind for Mathematics
Meaningful Teaching and Learning in Elementary Classrooms
This easy-to-read text combines research, practical strategies, and examples from K–6 classrooms that will inspire and engage mathematical minds.
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