The Big Book of Tools for Collaborative Teams in a PLC at Work® ![BESTSELLER]()
Organized around the four critical questions of PLC at Work®, this resource provides collaborative teams with tools to become agents of positive change. Objectives are organized in an explicit structure to foster best practices in teaching and improve team learning outcomes.
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An explicitly structured guide for team learning and implementing collaborative PLC strategies
Build your team’s capacity to become agents of positive change. Organized around the four critical questions of PLC at Work®, this comprehensive book of field-tested, easy-to-use tools provides an explicit structure for collaborative teams. Rely on these resources and best practices to help you establish team norms, navigate common challenges, develop collective teacher efficacy, and more.
- Discover how to address the many challenges teams face, and develop the skills necessary to improve student learning.
- Understand how to build a solid foundation for your collaborative efforts.
- Study strategies for effectively developing a guaranteed and viable curriculum, common formative assessments, and remediation and extension opportunities.
- Obtain targeted support and tools that you can use immediately to strengthen the work of your collaborative team.
- Explore the core behaviors that are essential to collaborative success.
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Additional Information
Bill provides a teacher’s voice for teachers’ work as he guides teams through troubleshooting collaborative challenges as only someone who has lived PLCs can.
William Ferriter has done it again! In The Big Book of Tools for Collaborative Teams in a PLC at Work®, Mr. Ferriter provides over one hundred tools that can be used to guide collaborative work in your schools. All of the tools are easy to use and accessible to ensure your collaboration time is focused on the right work. This book should be mandatory for every PLC practitioner. What an amazing resource!
The Big Book of Tools for Collaborative Teams in a PLC at Work® is another phenomenal resource from expert Bill Ferriter. He combines research and practitioner expertise to produce specific tools that support educators in various stages of understanding about professional learning communities and the four PLC questions.
You should order this book ASAP. It has every template your team could think of developing AND samples to guide your work. Right now, I'm working with the "Developing a Tiered Task Card" for team planning differentiation at the start of next year. #atplc #MakeItHappen pic.twitter.com/m0C2MjIffO
— Chris Jakicic (@cjakicic) May 17, 2020
I’m so excited! Look what just came, thanks @plugusin for this book of tools! In just 5 minutes I found one that is timely for my work with teams. More to explore! @SolutionTree @bkbutler_brian @JacquieHeller @traceyhulen pic.twitter.com/dwifNqhzQJ
— Diane Kerr (@diane_KerrWerx) May 26, 2020
Yessss! Look what just arrived in the mail! I highly recommend this book for every educator from K - College! What a resource! @plugusin pic.twitter.com/AxXJwMSaas
— Bo Ryan (@bo_PLC) May 25, 2020
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