Publish With Us
Every resource Solution Tree offers is an outgrowth of our dedication to students and the professionals who serve them. When you publish with Solution Tree, you gain a strong partner—one who is committed to being the premier provider of school improvement solutions for educators and administrators.
Our dedicated team of editorial and design professionals is committed to fully developing authors’ manuscripts. The personal attention we give you and your work will show you firsthand why so many of our authors choose to publish with us again.
Our active interest in your work over the long term gives you the possibility of pursuing other innovative ways of sharing your expertise with educators. A number of Solution Tree authors have collaborated with us on video resources, professional development services, and events based on their work. Few educational publishers have the ability to consider these opportunities for their authors.
“Solution Tree’s mission
is to advance the work
of our authors.”
—Jeff Jones, CEO
How can I become a Solution Tree author?
First, familiarize yourself with Solution Tree. Our primary customers are K–12 educators and administrators. Our books are pragmatic, research based, and focused on action and solutions. Review our website and catalogs, and ask yourself:
- Would my manuscript fit within Solution Tree's current offerings? How?
- Does my manuscript speak to the same audience?
- Is my manuscript based on best practices and current, objective research in the field of education?
If you can answer yes to these questions, get in touch with us!
How do I submit my manuscript?
Send the following materials to the Acquisitions Team at Solution Tree Press:
- Current resumes or vitae for each contributing author
- A cover letter with current contact information
- One of the following:
- A completed, unpublished manuscript (file should be in 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced, with author name and page number in each footer)
- A detailed outline or annotated table of contents (one paragraph describing each chapter) and two or more completed chapters that represent what is unique and valuable about your manuscript
- A formal proposal that defines the following:

The main message of your manuscript

Why this book is needed

Who will read this book

Research Basis
What sources you will cite

What strategies and solutions you offer

Competing Titles
Any existing publications that address the same topic and audience

Other publishers
Any other publishers reviewing your manuscript

Your personal and professional experience with this issue

Your experience with formal presentation of the issue, including keynotes, conferences, and workshops
Always proofread and spell-check your manuscript. Send complete chapters rather than tentative notes, and include complete references with corresponding in-text citations. The file size of the submission may not exceed 3 MB. Files may be .doc or .docx. If you need further information or advice, do not hesitate to contact us.
How does Solution Tree evaluate a manuscript?
Your proposal will be carefully and confidentially reviewed within three months. Our reviewers consider the following criteria:
Is it research based?
Is your resource grounded in recent, relevant research? Is this research cited clearly within the resource?
Is it practical?
Does your submission specify clear, direct actions that will solve readers' problems efficiently? Is it organized well? Can readers understand and apply its principles without any additional training or interpretation?
Is it marketable?
The best resource cannot succeed unless sufficient demand exists for it. Is the focus of your submission broad enough to attract a diverse readership? Does your resource have potential to be supported through speaking engagements, on-site professional development services, and other resources?
Is it well written?
Our editorial staff will help develop all accepted manuscripts, but every submission must meet minimum standards of clarity, organization, and grammar.
Is the author a recognized authority in the field?
Have you and your coauthors published other works on the same topic, or do you have firsthand experience as practitioners or researchers in the field your manuscript addresses? What other experience qualifies you to write?
Does the author respond to editorial advice and direction?
If we ask for a revised manuscript, we will carefully examine how thoroughly and professionally you address the editorial suggestions.
Whom do I contact if I have more questions?
For questions on our criteria or the status of your proposal, please email Solution Tree Press.