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Transforming School Culture Professional Learning

  • GAIN an understanding of school culture and its impact on school performance and student achievement
  • DEVELOP action steps that will bring out the best in your school
  • ENHANCE communication between teachers and school leaders
  • ALIGN your organizational philosophy and create a shared mission and vision

Our On-Site Professional Learning for Transforming School Culture

Your school culture and climate can change. Partner with us to create a safe and productive learning environment for your students and staff. You’ll acquire strategies and insights to power your entire team to build a positive school culture. Make a commitment to school improvement today to ensure your students succeed tomorrow.

Where are you on your professional learning journey?

Your Goal

Building Your Skills

One‑Day Services


Bring one of our expert authors or certified associates to motivate and align your staff, centered around school-culture improvements. Working on school culture has a direct and positive impact on school performance and student achievement. We can help support your plan with our research, understanding, and experience in the area of school culture.

Transforming School Culture Framework

Understand the dynamics of school culture from a sociological, psychological, anthropological, political, historical, and economic lens, using the Transforming School Culture framework. The framework helps educators and simplifies the work of transforming school culture by understanding patterns of behavior that either support or undermine the development of school culture.

Basics of School Culture

Develop a clear understanding of school culture and its impact on school performance and student achievement. Participants will explore the research and challenges with the development of healthy school culture and an introduction to the Transforming School Culture framework.

Time for Change

Transformational leadership is a skill that can be practiced and improved. Receive powerful, authoritative guidance as you work with your team to develop and strengthen the four distinctive skills of exceptional leaders and prepare to lead your school or district toward lasting, meaningful change.

Time for Change

Recommended Resource

School Culture Audit

The School Culture Audit is a comprehensive look at the existing policies, practices, and procedures in place in a school and the impact these have on student learning. Recommendations for changes to policies, practices, and procedures are included in the formal report, which is provided to the school principal.

  • One-day on-site visit to observe school environment. This day includes:
    • Review of policies, practices, and procedures
    • Review of key artifacts produced and displayed by school community
    • Formal interviews with staff and students
    • Walkthrough of school and classroom observations
  • In addition, three years’ worth of performance, attendance, and disciplinary data disaggregated by grade level and demographics are collected, and a survey of school staff is conducted prior to on-site visit.
  • Receive a clear report of actionable recommendations in critical areas to improve and maintain a positive school environment.
  • The report includes the following:
    • Formal rating on a four-point rubric of school culture based on six critical indicators
    • Analysis of relevant data and staff survey findings
    • Key findings and specific actionable recommendations in critical areas to improve, grow, and maintain a positive school culture
  • A virtual session is included with this service to provide additional support.

Transforming School Culture; Overcoming the Achievement Gap

Recommended Resource

Your Goal

Deepening Your Skills

Two-to-Four-Day Services

The Will to Lead, the Skill to Teach

In his coauthored work The Will to Lead, the Skill to Teach, Anthony Muhammad guides educators through the four critical transformations that are necessary to build a healthy school culture. This four-part series provides research and application for each transformation.

Key foundational topics include aligning the organizational philosophy, challenging damaging stereotypes, creating shared mission and vision, and action planning. Subsequent sessions focus on managing frustration, understanding how it develops, its impact on employee performance, and ultimately its impact on student achievement. Participants will experience the importance of collaboration and the parameters and structure necessary to facilitate collaborative work. In the final transformation work, participants will understand the importance of the four pillars of institutionalization: regular and critical communication, trust, capacity building, and accountability.

The Will to Lead, The Skill to Teach

Recommended Resource

Your Goal

Sustaining Your Skills

Multi‑Day Services

Embedded Coaching

Embedded coaching services are designed to ensure that the four pillars of institutionalization are fully implemented at your school site. The four pillars of institutionalization are:

  • Communication
  • Trust
  • Capacity building
  • Accountability

Coaches will work with both leadership and teachers to ensure that systems of support are built to sustain healthy school culture with a personalized touch that respects the culture and parameters of the school, district, and community. This approach improves the likelihood of full implementation of the concepts presented during the professional development sessions. It also provides an objective set of eyes that can guide all of the major stakeholders without the fear of positional power and politics.

Customized Services

Our team will listen to your specific challenges and prepare and deliver a custom learning plan to meet your needs. With our evidence-based content along with on-site professional development and virtual training opportunities, we are uniquely positioned to help you transform the culture of your school.

Global PD Teams

Unite staff in a shared commitment to learning for all with this one-stop digital resource for collaborative team learning. Among the many online videos and tools available in Global PD Teams, you’ll find the Transforming School Culture playlist, which provides insight into the four types of educators—Believers, Fundamentalists, Tweeners, and Survivors—and how to work with each group to create thriving schools. Choose Global PD Teams when you need:

  • Daily, convenient access to real-time school improvement models and strategies
  • Job-embedded professional development
  • Resources to build collective teacher efficacy
  • Clear learning paths toward student achievement and school improvement
  • Quality content from authors you know and trust