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Learn from experts and network with K–12 teachers, educators, and teams at The Summit on PLC at Work®Learn more

Get a Front-Row Seat to Career-Changing Expertise

Our NEW Virtual Institutes, Portable Events, and LiveStreams provide you with the insights you want with the flexibility and convenience you need at this time.

Despite the disruption to K–12 education, Solution Tree remains committed to providing educators like you with the same high-quality professional development you expect. Our virtual events—streaming to your favorite device—offer dynamic learning experiences, even when in-person training is not possible.

Portable Event Packages

Bring the powerful tools and strategies of a PLC at Work® or RTI at Work Institute directly to your personal device.

The Portable Event Package gives attendees unlimited, 60-day access to keynote and breakouts sessions of your choosing—as well as a virtual team time guided by a PLC or RTI at Work expert who will help clarify any questions and guide you on possible next steps.

The Portable Event Package is a quick way for individuals to earn CEUs, with 28 offered for the PLC package and 21.25 offered for RTI.


Professional Learning Communities at Work® Portable Event Package

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RTI at Work Portable Event Package

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The Summit on PLC at Work® Portable Event Package Build and sustain a strong, collaborative professional learning community. This unique Portable Event Package brings together some of the brightest, most respected minds in education. You'll hear dynamic keynotes and watch powerful breakouts designed to help infuse the PLC at Work® process into every aspect of your school or district.

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The Summit on RTI at Work™ Portable Event Package Now you can access top RTI at Work experts in a unique virtual learning experience. Deepen your expertise with sessions on behavior, scheduling, English learners, leadership teams, progress monitoring, and more, designed to increase individual and collective efficacy. Learn directly from experts and practitioners who have firsthand experience implementing the RTI at Work process.

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Time for Change Portable Event Package provides school leaders with the necessary tools to bring out the best in both faculty and students to create an environment where parents are pleased to send their children to school.

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Teaching and Leading Educator Wellness Portable Event Package In a time of relentless stress and change, it’s crucial for adults in schools to prioritize their own self-care, so they can be at their best for themselves and their students.

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Virtual Institutes

Led by our team of experts, our 1- and 2-day virtual institutes offer timely insights you can immediately use to provide high-quality instruction in your classroom. This digital event is an ideal opportunity for individuals to interact with our presenters during breakouts and Q&A sessions to find insights specific to their school or district.

All the content is recorded, and you’ll have access for 60 days after the start of the event—so you can review the content and continue to build your knowledge and refine your skills.