Jennifer Parker
Jennifer Parker, EdD, is an instructional technology and school data advisor for Macomb Intermediate School District and adjunct faculty member for Central Michigan University. Co-creator of the 21things4 Project, she’s a leader in connecting standards and educational technology.
Jennifer Parker
Jennifer Parker, EdD, is an instructional technology and school data advisor for Macomb Intermediate School District and adjunct faculty member for Central Michigan University’s Learning, Design, and Technology master’s degree program. She has collaborated on hundreds of educational websites and online courses, most notably as co-creator of the 21things4 Project. She is recognized as a leader in connecting standards to best practices in educational technology and has led many state initiatives.
Dr. Parker has been a keynote speaker and presenter at many state, national, and international conferences and served as a proposal reviewer and conference chair for several organizations. In addition, she has over 30 years in education as a career and technical education teacher, K–12 library media specialist, district technology coordinator, and curriculum and school-improvement expert.
Dr. Parker is a McREL-certified trainer in Classroom Instruction That Works and Using Technology With Classroom Instruction That Works and the co-creator of supporting resources like TechBestPractice.net. In addition, she holds credentials in Cognitive Coaching and Adaptive Schools.
Dr. Parker is an ISTE Certified Educator and ISTE’s 2018 Digital Leader of the Year. Her consultant work includes ISTE Certification, ISTE Library Standards, and authoring ISTE-U courses. Her projects include several ISTE Seals of Alignment. Tech and Learning magazine recognized Dr. Parker as one of the top ed-tech leaders to watch (2018) and for best digital curriculum (2022). She served on the state executive board for the Michigan Continuous Improvement Facilitators Network and as the state lead for professional development on Michigan’s data portal, MISchoolData.
She has a bachelor’s degree in education, a master’s in library media, and a doctorate in education from Central Michigan University. She also holds a master’s degree in business education from Eastern Michigan University.
To learn more about Dr. Parker’s work, visit her website (drjenniferparker.com) or follow @drjennparker on Twitter.