Cicely Alexander
Dr. Cicely Alexander has served almost 30 years in public schools. One accomplishment that stands out for Dr. Alexander and her team is turning around a four-year, F-rated elementary campus and earning a B-rating in just two years.
Cicely Alexander
Dr. Cicely Alexander has served for almost 30 years in public schools as a classroom teacher, math specialist, behavior counselor, assistant principal, principal, executive director of principals, and now executive director of counseling for college and career services. She’s been nominated by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA) in Region 17 as both Assistant Principal of the Year (2011) and National Distinguished Principal of the Year (2019). However, Dr. Alexander is most proud of helping turn around both a failing elementary campus, earning a B-rating in just two years, and a struggling middle school that eventually met state standards.
Dr. Alexander has only been able to achieve such success, and with longevity, because of the intentionality she has placed on self-care and wellness. The premise is that educators who are coached to be emotionally and mentally balanced will be able to serve their students at their optimum performance level. This support, in turn, will enable educators to provide students with excellent instruction and engaging learning opportunities, positively impacting student performance. To cultivate authentic motivation in serving students, she endeavors to pursue a support system for educators that will provide multiple avenues to teach self-care.
Dr. Alexander earned a bachelor’s degree in multidisciplinary studies, a master’s degree in counseling, and a doctorate in educational leadership from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas.