David Chiprany
Dr. David Chiprany is currently the deputy superintendent for the Bartow County School System in Georgia. He specializes in developing PLCs at every level, and has served as a K-12 principal as well as a college educational leadership coach.
David Chiprany
Dr. David Chiprany is the current deputy superintendent for the Bartow County School System in Georgia. He specializes in teaching and developing Professional Learning Communities at the system, school, and team levels. He has served as an elementary school, middle school, and high school principal and is a college educational leadership coach and adjunct professor.
Dr. Chiprany has enjoyed leading and supporting the PLC culture shift in two school systems. He has conducted many professional learning sessions on all areas of the PLC process. His audience has included teachers, principals, central office staff, board members, parents, and community members. Dr. Chiprany’s presentations are filled with examples of actual PLC practices that were implemented at the local school and system level.
Working with the system guiding coalition, Bartow County School System was awarded as a 2021 Model PLC School System. The first year of their journey is captured in an article Dr. Chiprany co-authored with Dr. Phillip Page in the 2020 Winter All Things PLC Magazine titled A PLC Journey in the District Office. Professionally, Dr. Chiprany was awarded the 2008-2009 East Cobb Educator of the Year Rotary Club of East Cobb and the 2005-2006 Principal of the Year, Georgia PTA District 9.
Dr. Chiprany received his bachelor’s degree in health and physical education from Kennesaw State University. He has a master’s degree and specialist certification in educational leadership from the State University of West Georgia. He earned his PhD in educational leadership from the University of Southern Mississippi.
Assessment Collaborative
Assessment Collaborative experts have proven success in developing and implementing sustainable assessment practices that garner hope through achievement. Work with them to create assessment systems that provide accurate, meaningful, and actionable information to drive student learning.
PLC at Work®
PLC at Work® experts have proven success in leading the PLC at Work process in a school or district. Work with them to implement a focus on learning, build a collaborative culture, and create a results orientation that leads to sustained, substantive school improvement.
Presentations by David Chiprany
- Creating a Professional Learning Communities Culture within Districts, Schools, and Teams
- Establishing a Mission, a Vision, and Collective Commitments in a PLC Culture
- Establishing and Leading a System and Local School Guiding Coalition
- Building Leadership Capacity Through the Work of Guiding Coalitions
- Orchestrating the development of a Professional Learning Communities Playbook
- How to Build and Monitor a PLC Implementation Timeline
- How to ensure a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum for All Students to Learn at High Levels
- Developing Administrative Leadership in a Professional Learning Community
- Developing and Strengthening Teacher Collaboration Teams through the A-Team Award