Bruce Wellman
Bruce Wellman, a consultant, has served as a classroom teacher, curriculum coordinator, and staff developer in Oberlin, Ohio, and Concord, Massachusetts, public schools.
Bruce Wellman
Bruce Wellman, a consultant, has served as a classroom teacher, curriculum coordinator, and staff developer in Oberlin, Ohio, and Concord, Massachusetts, public schools. He consults with school systems and professional groups and organizations throughout North America, presenting workshops and courses for teachers and administrators on the patterns and practices of learning-focused classrooms, learning-focused conversations for supervisors and mentors, presentation skills, and facilitating and developing collaborative groups.
Bruce is author or coauthor of Groups at Work: Strategies and Structures for Professional Learning; Data-Driven Dialogue: A Facilitator’s Guide to Collaborative Inquiry; Learning-Focused Mentoring: A Professional Development Resource Kit; Mentoring Matters: A Practical Guide to Learning-Focused Relationships; Pathways to Understanding: Patterns and Practices in the Learning-Focused Classroom; The Adaptive School: A Sourcebook for Developing Collaborative Groups; and How to Make Presentations That Teach and Transform.
He has been honored by the Education Writers Association and National Staff Development Council, and has written for numerous publications on organization and professional development, mentoring, quality teaching, and improving professional cultures.
Bruce holds a BA from Antioch College and an MEd from Lesley College.
Presentations by Bruce Wellman
- Got Data? Now What? Making Data Meaningful in Collaborative Conversations
- Leading Groups: Effective Strategies for Building Professional Community
- Seven Qualities of High-Performing Groups
- Designing and Delivering Learning-Focused Presentations
- How to Be Time Effective and Time Efficient: Making Meetings Matter
- Three Leadership Stances: Presenting, Collaborating, and Facilitating
- Learning-Focused Mentoring: Consulting, Collaborating, and Coaching for Professional Excellence
- Teacher-to-Teacher: Developing Instructional Expertise
- Learning-Focused Supervision: Promoting Focus and Success
- Lenses and Language: From Novice to Expert Practice
- Community Doesn’t Just Happen
- Premises and Practices for Leading Groups
- The Future of Learning