Cheryl Zintgraff Tibbals
Cheryl Tibbals served as a teacher and district leader in California; state director of assessment development in Kentucky; director of the State Leadership Center in Washington, DC; and national consultant and senior advisor to states, districts, and education businesses.
Cheryl Zintgraff Tibbals
Cheryl Tibbals brings extensive experience in the areas of standards, assessment, leadership, and education policy. She served as a teacher and district leader in California; state director of assessment development in Kentucky; director of the State Leadership Center at CCSSO in Washington, DC; and national consultant and senior advisor to states, districts, and education businesses.
Cheryl is an expert in the areas of standards analysis, Common Core ELA/literacy instruction, 21st century skills, performance-based formative and summative assessment, lesson study, and working with PLCs to develop shared visions that enable staff to rethink what 21st century learning should look like and everyone’s role in it.
Serving as a consultant for more than a decade, Cheryl has advised and created products for states, districts, nonprofits, and education businesses. She has developed teacher-quality strategic plans, served as primary external consultant to the development of literacy initiatives, and advised on development of district periodic assessments. She has trained teachers in how to score student writing with standards-based rubrics and developed and led districtwide professional development sessions for principals and district leaders.
Cheryl has helped education businesses, advising them on product development, aligning products and services to state standards, reconceptualizing curriculum and instructional materials to meet the demands of Common Core ELA/literacy, and designing and delivering CCSS-based professional development for teachers and leaders.
Cheryl is the lead author of Shifting to Common Literacy, Reconceptualizing How We Teach and Lead, published in July 2015. She has presented at numerous state and national conferences, served on national panels, and written/implemented grants totaling over $20 million.
Presentations by Cheryl Zintgraff Tibbals
- Correcting Misconceptions Fast: Formative Assessment as Instant Replay
- Engaging Students in Work Worth Doing: Task-Based Learning
- Collaborative Shared Vision: Eliminating Random Arrows of Improvement
- Lesson-Embedded Formative Assessment: Teaching and Assessing Simultaneously
- Role Over: Defining 21st Century Role Changes for Students, Teachers, and Leaders
- Avoiding Humpty Dumpty Instruction: Teaching Standards Holistically
- Impact Standards: Standards that Change the Learning Landscape
- Driving Knowledge Work: Teaching Content with Nonfiction
- Transforming Instruction Through a Staff’s Shared Vision of 21st Century Learning