Gavin Grift
Gavin Grift is a best-selling author and is founder and CEO of Grift Education. His passion, commitment, humor, and highly engaging style have made him one of Australia’s most in-demand PLC presenters. His leadership in the education industry fueled the development of PLC networks across Australia and culminated in the establishment of the Centre for Professional Learning Communities, a cohort informed by the work and legacies of Richard and Rebecca DuFour.
Gavin Grift
Gavin Grift is a best-selling author and is founder and CEO of Grift Education and. His passion, commitment, humor, and highly engaging style have made him one of Australia’s most in-demand PLC presenters. His leadership in the education industry fueled the development of PLC networks across Australia and culminated in the establishment of the Centre for Professional Learning Communities, a cohort informed by the work and legacies of Richard and Rebecca DuFour.
Gavin is coauthor of numerous articles and best-selling books, including Five Ways of Being: What Learning Leaders Think, Do, and Say Every Day (2020) and the revised Australian edition of Learning by Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work® (2018).
Find Gavin online at www.grifteducation.com, on Twitter and LinkedIn @GGrift, and on Facebook @grifteducation.