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Kristi S. Langley

Kristi S. Langley, EdS, is the PLC director of a school district in Phoenix, Arizona. She has previously taught in elementary and middle schools and served as a principal at the pre-K, elementary, and middle school levels.


Kristi S. Langley

Kristi S. Langley, EdS, is the PLC director of a school district in Phoenix, Arizona. She has previously taught in elementary and middle schools and served as a principal at the pre-K, elementary, and middle school levels.

In collaboration with her staff, Kristi has repeatedly facilitated successful schoolwide implementation of the PLC process for more than 20 years. She believes it is educators’ moral duty to ensure higher levels of achievement for all students.

Due to the focus on results, Kristi and her school received The Early Literacy Grant, Title I Rewards School—Invitation of Application, Superintendent’s Award of Excellence, and Grand Canyon University Gold Canyon Road of Excellence Award. One school stands out receiving the distinction as an AllThingsPLC Model School. Sunset was recognized as a School of Excellence Stop when the governor visited to learn how a Title I School, where 96 percent of the students received free/reduced lunch, was “A” rated for eight straight years. Sunset students continued to score in the top 5 percent of the state and thus earned the results-based funding.

In addition to numerous Who’s Who Awards and other community recognition, it is the state’s Rodel Principal of the Year Award that most stands out for Kristi, as students, staff, and families were part of the rigorous process that took place on site.

Kristi has earned a bachelor of arts in elementary education with an emphasis in middle-level education from the University of Wyoming at Laramie. She earned a master of science in computer applications and an educational specialist degree in educational leadership from Nova Southeastern University Fort Lauderdale, Florida—Phoenix Campus.

Kristi has presented numerous trainings on a variety of topics such as: How People Think & Impact on Learning; Structured Agendas to Drive the Right Work; Structured Planning to Increase Achievement for All Students; PLC Basics; and PLC Basics for Special Areas.

Priority Schools in a PLC at Work®

Hand-selected and trained by PLC at Work champions our Priority Schools in a PLC at Work experts have proven success in leading the PLC at Work process and have specific experience with the unique challenges that face schools labeled as low performing. Work with them to identify and prioritize critical areas of growth to implement changes in a timely manner with a focus on student achievement.

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PLC at Work®

PLC at Work® experts have proven success in leading the PLC at Work process in a school or district. Work with them to implement a focus on learning, build a collaborative culture, and create a results orientation that leads to sustained, substantive school improvement.

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Yes We Can! experts have proven success in improving outcomes for students with special needs. Work with them to develop collaborative partnerships in order to implement inclusive processes and programs that support every learner in your school community.

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