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Why Transforming School Culture?

Dr. Anthony Muhammad’s Transforming School Culture approach identifies the root causes of staff resistance and provides immediate, accessible strategies for continuous improvement.

Build consensus and respond to resistance to change school culture

Within a school, there are four distinct types of educators. In order to transform a toxic school culture to a healthy one, it is essential for educational leadership to understand and influence change within each of these groups.

  • The Fundamentalists preserve the status quo. They were successful as students in the traditional school culture, and they resent any attempts to change it.
  • The Believers are committed to the learning of each student and operate under the assumption that their efforts can make an enormous difference in that learning.
  • The Tweeners are staff members who are typically new to a school and are attempting to learn its prevailing culture.
  • The Survivors are those who have been so overwhelmed by the stress and demands of the profession that their primary goal becomes making it through the day, the week, and the year.

Solution Tree helps teachers:

  • Understand the behaviors and motivation of colleagues.
  • Discover a road map for overcoming division with coworkers.
  • Reflect on their current behaviors and their school’s culture.
  • Embrace the changes that maximize organizational effectiveness and create a positive school culture.

Solution Tree helps school leadership:

  • Recognize the conditions that make cultural transformation difficult.
  • Apply transformational leaders’ strategies for improving school culture and climate.
  • Foster a collective sense of purpose among teachers, administrators, and students.
  • Develop a systematic and schoolwide focus on continuous improvement and quality learning.

Meet the Creator of Transforming School Culture

Anthony Muhammad

Anthony Muhammad

Anthony Muhammad, PhD, is a much sought-after educational consultant. A practitioner for nearly twenty years, he has served as a teacher, assistant principal, and principal. His most notable accomplishment came as principal of Levey Middle School in Southfield, Michigan, a National School of Excellence, where student proficiency on state assessments more than doubled in five years.

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