Brian M. Pete
Brian M. Pete comes from a family of educators—college professors, school superintendents, teachers, and teachers of teachers. He has a rich background in professional development and has worked with adult learners.
Brian M. Pete
Brian M. Pete comes from a family of educators—college professors, school superintendents, teachers, and teachers of teachers. He has a rich background in professional development and has worked with adult learners in districts and educational agencies throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.
He has an eye for the “teachable moment” and the words to describe what he sees as skillful teaching. He delivers dynamic, humor-filled sessions that energize the audiences with engaging strategies that transfer into immediate and practical on-site applications.
Brian is coauthor of From Staff Room to Classroom, From Staff Room to Classroom II, Twelve Principles That Make the Difference, Nine Best Practices That Make the Difference, The Adult Learner, and A Look at Transfer.
Brian earned a bachelor of science from DePaul University in Chicago and is pursuing a master’s in fiction writing from Columbia College Chicago.
Presentations by Brian M. Pete
- How to Teach Thinking Skills Within the Common Core
- From Staff Room to Classroom: Foster Transfer of Learning
- Who’s Doing the Talking? Designing Student-Centered Classrooms
- PBL in a Nutshell: A Decision-Making Process
- The Right to Be Literate: Six Essential Literacy Skills for the 21st Century
- Authentic Strategies to Prepare for Performance Tasks
- Supporting Differentiated Instruction: A PLC Approach
- Teaching Students to Think Critically and Make Decisions
- Preparing for the Test of Life, Not Just for the Test
- Classroom Strategies to Teach Thinking: Going Beyond Content
- RTI Tier 1: The Brain-Compatible, Differentiated Classroom
- RTI Tier 2: Revisit! Review! Reteach! Revise!
- How to Lead in the Common Core: The Principal’s Perspective
- Informative Assessments: When It’s Not About a Grade
- English Learners: All Students Can Think at Grade Level
- Literacy Matters Across the Disciplines
- Whole-Class Differentiation: Reaching and Teaching All Students
- Brain-Compatible Learning: Different Brains, Different Learners
- 21st Century Classrooms: How to Integrate Curricula for Project Learning
- Presentation and Facilitation Skills: Capture! Captivate! Close!
- Principals Coaching Teachers: The New Leadership Skill
- Facilitation Tools for PLCs: Begin the Conversation
- Three-Tiered Lesson Design: Concrete! Representational! Abstract!
- Explicit Teaching: Talk-Through! Walk-Through! Drive-Through!
- Common Core Standards: Raising Rigor in Classrooms
“This is what a workshop should be! I now have the ability to take this information and transfer it back to the classroom and improve student learning for every student!”