- Shared Leadership: Building Collective Responsibility to Live the School Vision and Mission Webinar test
August 18, 2015
TestingFree webinar - Leading Modern Learning (edWeb Webinar)
August 25, 2021
As schools prepare for a return in the fall, educators have an opportunity to envision and create a “new normal.” In this recorded webinar, Jay McTighe and Greg Curtis present ideas from their book, Leading Modern Learning: A Blueprint for Vision Driven Schools, 2nd ed., that offer a compelling vision for a contemporary education.
Free webinar - Another School Year with Generative AI: How Do I Prepare?
August 13, 2024
Join former elementary school teacher and presenter Adam Garry as we explore how this year will see a major shift in the adoption of generative AI in schools. How can district leaders ensure that school leaders and teachers are ready for this change? In this webinar, we will discuss strategies and steps to prepare for and successfully implement your generative AI initiative.
Free webinar - Thriving as a New or Guest Teacher, Part Two: Setting Up for a Successful Year
August 15, 2024
This workshop is designed to equip you with the essential skills to confidently lead any classroom, whether you're a new teacher or a substitute stepping in. This session will focus on providing practical and well-tested strategies and resources to help you gear up for the start of the year.
Free webinar