- Systemic Equity
February 9, 2022
Understand and utilize a framework for systemic equity. Author Lauryn Mascareñaz shares how to move equity work out of the “team” setting–where only a few members hold the work–and into multiple spaces and systems.
Free webinar - Leading PLCs Districtwide: From the Boardroom to the Classroom
Thursday, February 27, at 3 p.m. EST
A high-performing school district that functions as a professional learning community (PLC) reflects thoughtful alignment and integration of the PLC process by the superintendent and board of directors, central office, individual schools, and teacher teams. While highlighting the efforts of highly successful school districts, Janel Keating will describe how districts organize and align at each level to implement PLC concepts and practices systemwide.
Free webinar - Co-Creating the Future: A Simulation to Catalyze School Change Webinar
February 11, 2025
What does the future demand of education leaders? Co-Creating the Future: A Leadership Simulation to Catalyze School Change immerses school and district leaders in engaging, hands-on activities to envision and design transformative educational systems. This webinar empowers leaders to co-create thriving, future-ready schools.
Free webinar