Mathematics at Work™
- Mathematics at Work™: Creating a College- and Career-Ready Culture for All Students Webinar
October 9, 2014
Hear this powerful success story from Dr. Kanold and co-author Ms. Mona Toncheff and learn how you can implement the same collaborative team actions and practices in your district and sustain a school and classroom culture that supports success in mathematics for every student.
Free webinar - 6 Elements of Mathematics Lesson Design for High-Quality Instruction (edWeb Webinar)
October 30, 2023
In this session, we will explore how teams develop effective mathematics instruction using 6 elements of lesson design. The process of designing engaging, targeted, and high quality instruction allows teams to dig deeply into both best practices in mathematics and grow in content knowledge. Participants will leave with a set of tools and discussion protocols to enhance their instructional planning and teaching of mathematics.
Free webinar