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Whatever Happened to the Classroom Turtle?

By: Brady Barr

Research shows that keeping animals in classrooms can have profound effects on student well-being and success. With this practical guide, you will discover how to select a classroom pet, introduce it to students, and design carefully thought-out lessons centered around the animal.

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Format: Paperback

Foster hands-on learning and student engagement with class pets and science-based activities

Discover how to improve students’ well-being and achievement by reintroducing animals into 21st century classrooms. Increase student engagement and academic success with hands-on learning involving class pets.

  • Become familiar with the numerous benefits that having animals and class pets in the classroom provides.
  • Study the various obstacles that might prevent educators from keeping animals in their classroom and learn how to overcome those obstacles to achieve hands-on learning.
  • Discover a step-by-step process for bringing animals into the classroom in a way that enriches students’ lives through experiential learning.
  • Learn the biology and life sciences of certain classroom pets, pertinent state laws regarding the use of classroom pets, and the process of keeping and caring for the animal.

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InstructionStudent Engagement

Additional Information

Product Code: BKF815

ISBN: 9781945349768

Published By: Solution Tree

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