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From fear to "Aha!": Math PD for transformative student learning — Learn more


Items 11-20 of 843

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  1. From Tired to Inspired

    Fresh Strategies to Engage Students in Literacy

    In this Common Core State Standards-aligned book, educators will discover research-based tips and strategies to improve literacy in upper elementary and middle school classrooms.


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    Paperback, eBook

  2. The Fundamentals of (Re)designing Writing Units

    Discover practical strategies and best practices for teaching writing skills in drafting, editing, revising, feedback, assessment, and student collaboration.


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    Paperback, eBook

  3. Inspiring Lifelong Readers

    Using Inquiry to Engage Learners in Grades 6–12

    Featuring stories from the field and reproducible tools, Inspiring Lifelong Readers emphasizes the importance of reading and creating a community of readers, writers, communicators, and thinkers. This book will help you navigate the demands for students’ attention and enhance student engagement in literacy.


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    Paperback, eBook

  4. I’m Listening

    How Teacher-Student Relationships Improve Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening

    Rely on I’m Listening to help you drive deeper, more meaningful learning by integrating relationship building into lesson design. Increase student engagement with social-emotional learning to create a positive learning environment.


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    Paperback, eBook

  5. A Leader’s Guide to Reading and Writing in a PLC at Work®, Elementary

    Aligned to the Every Teacher Is a Literacy Teacher series, this guide outlines how to take urgent action to improve literacy development in a PLC. School leaders will discover how to support elementary teachers in a literacy-focused learning environment that facilitates high-quality instruction and boosts students' reading and writing skills.


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  6. Leading a Culture of Reading

    How to Ignite and Sustain a Love of Literacy in Your School Community

    Explore the practical, culture-building strategies that support literacy for all. This book is a tool for educators working to promote the importance of reading and to develop students’ engagement in reading and literacy work.


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    Paperback, eBook

  7. Literacy Reframed

    How a Focus on Decoding, Vocabulary, and Background Knowledge Improves Reading Comprehension

    Despite reform efforts, reading growth flatlines in the secondary years. Literacy Reframed provides a game-changing new way to think about—and teach—literacy. This resource helps educators boost reading comprehension and engagement through powerful, reframed strategies for teaching decoding, phonics, and vocabulary.


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    Paperback, eBook

  8. Literacy in a PLC at Work®

    Guiding Teams to Get Going and Get Better in Grades K–6 Reading

    Authors Paula Maeker and Jacqueline Heller are practitioners who share the belief that all students can be literate at high levels. Explore their practical, research-affirmed framework for how teams can better sustain change and improve as literacy educators.


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    Paperback, eBook

  9. Power Tools for Adolescent Literacy

    Strategies for Learning

    This comprehensive collection of powerful literacy tools and strategies for secondary teachers is based on research from top literacy experts.


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    Paperback, eBook

  10. The Power of Effective Reading Instruction

    How Neuroscience Informs Instruction Across All Grades and Disciplines

    Karen Gazith holds a strong belief that teachers play a critical role in the success of their students. She emphasizes the need for effective instruction for all and intervention for those in need. This guide offers evidence-based practices for reading instruction that transform student proficiency across all content areas.


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    Paperback, eBook