The Science of Reading
Bridging research and practice
Explore the rich interdisciplinary body of research that supports proficient reading through science. Our evidence-based resources illuminate the crucial role of effective assessment and teaching methods, creating a pathway to ensure learning for all.
- Close Reading in the Secondary Classroom
Learn to effectively teach close-reading skills in middle-school and high-school classrooms. Use literary analysis to increase students’ reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
$35.95 - Vocabulary in a SNAP
100+ Lessons for Secondary Instruction
Learn how to increase vocabulary skills using quick, flexible vocabulary exercises. Discover vocabulary learning strategies for high school and middle school vocabulary words.
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- (Re)designing Narrative Writing Units for Grades 5–12
This user-friendly resource provides practical recommendations and strategies for designing units of study that center on students writing narrative fiction and nonfiction.
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- Vocabulary in a SNAP
100+ Lessons for Elementary Instruction
This innovative resource provides more than 100 research-based mini-lessons that help teachers efficiently shape instruction, each taking less than 20 minutes.
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- Blended Vocabulary for K–12 Classrooms
Harnessing the Power of Digital Tools and Direct Instruction
Discover a research-based model you can implement to help English learners, general education students, and special education students master tiered vocabulary.
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- (Re)designing Argumentation Writing Units for Grades 5–12
Discover how to establish engaging argumentation units of instruction that empower students to present and convince others of their position.
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- The Fundamentals of (Re)designing Writing Units
Discover practical strategies and best practices for teaching writing skills in drafting, editing, revising, feedback, assessment, and student collaboration.
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- Using Technology to Enhance Reading
Innovative Approaches to Literacy Instruction
Discover how technological resources can improve the effectiveness and breadth of reading instruction to build student knowledge.
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- Teaching Reading & Comprehension to English Learners, K–5
Address the language, literacy, and content instructional needs of English learners. This book will help raise achievement for ELs through new instructional strategies and assessment processes.
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- Vocabulary Games for the Classroom
Make direct vocabulary instruction fun and successful. Hundreds of vocabulary terms handpicked by Dr. Marzano cover four content areas and all grade levels.