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Solution Tree

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Items 51-60 of 514

per page
  1. The Beginning Teacher’s Field Guide

    Embarking on Your First Years

    The joys and pains of starting a teaching career often go undiscussed. This guide explores the personal side of teaching, outlining classroom strategies and self-care practices.



  2. Mathematics Homework and Grading in a PLC at Work™

    Use the PLC process to evaluate homework and practices in mathematics. Learn how collaboratively assigning and grading math homework increases student engagement and math skills.



  3. Everyday Instructional Coaching

    Seven Daily Drivers to Support Teacher Effectiveness

    Coaching teachers in schools is integral to supporting effective teaching methods. This teaching resource provides practical instructional coaching strategies for teachers and educators.



  4. Leading a High Reliability School

    Learn how and why High Reliability Schools use interdependent systems of operation and the PLC at Work® process to establish and maintain school effectiveness.



  5. Take Time for You

    Self-Care Action Plans for Educators

    Create an individualized self-care plan based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This book provides doable wellness and self-assessment activities and reflection questions for teachers and educators.



  6. The New Art and Science of Teaching [DVD/CD/Facilitator's Guide/Book]

    Drive student success with 20 research-based instructional strategies that focus on student learning outcomes. This DVD companion to the book The New Art and Science of Teaching offers video demonstrations of Dr. Marzano’s competency-based teaching methods for systematic change.


    Physical DVD

  7. The New Art and Science of Teaching Writing

    Using a simple structure, Kathy Tuchman Glass and Robert J. Marzano apply the instructional strategies of The New Art and Science of Teaching to teaching and assessing writing skills, as well as some associated reading skills. With more than 100 categorized and organized strategies across grade levels and subjects, this book will help you address writing learning outcomes needed for student success.



  8. Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching the Small Group

    Make sense of effective characteristics of K–5 small-group instruction in mathematics. Connect new understandings to classroom practice through the use of authentic classroom video of pulled small groups in action. Use the TQE (Tasks, Questions, Evidence) process to plan time effectively for small-group instruction.



  9. When They Already Know It

    How to Extend and Personalize Student Learning in a PLC at Work®

    Discover how your collaborative team can address the fourth critical question of a PLC: “How will we extend the learning for students who are already proficient?” Explore five elements of personalized learning and five instructional strategies for extending learning in a competency-based curriculum that motivate students to learn.



  10. Future-Focused Learning

    Ten Essential Shifts of Everyday Practice

    With Future-Focused Learning, you will discover ten core shifts of practice, alongside smaller, actionable steps, that will take the great work you are already doing and make it exceptional. Shift instruction to focus on student-centered learning competencies to support critical thinking and digital skills.

