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  1. Singletons in a PLC at Work®: Navigating On-Ramps to Meaningful Collaboration

    February 16, 2023

    Singletons—teachers who are the only ones teaching a specific course or subject—often ask how they can effectively participate on a collaborative team. Additionally, leaders frequently ask what they should be doing to guide and support singletons. This webinar provides participants clear direction to help singletons engage in meaningful collaboration. Teachers and leaders receive templates they can implement immediately.

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  2. The True Meaning of Professional Learning Communities Webinar

    February 8, 2023

    Most school districts are familiar with professional learning communities (PLCs) and have done the work to implement a version that works with their teacher teams. At the same time, many districts are not seeing the results they wanted, which usually means they are not implementing the PLC process correctly.

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  3. Strategies for Activating SEL Across the Curriculum

    January 4, 2023

    In this one-hour session, K-12 educators will consider the impact of social-emotional learning (SEL) on students when making instructional decisions. Using the highly effective, research-informed Equity and SEL Integration Framework, you will learn to incorporate impactful, creative strategies to craft experiences focused on preparing students for learning.

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  4. Becoming a Lifelong Learning Educator

    November 15, 2022

    How can teachers make everyday student learning more engaging, meaningful, relevant, and interesting? How can we better prepare students for a lifetime of learning? Author and experienced educator Elliott Seif uses real-life examples to explore four key goals of a lifelong learning education, and introduces a practical instructional framework that fosters student success and helps prepare students to become independent lifelong learners.

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  5. Saving Democracy with Civil Discourse (edWebinar)

    October 12, 2022

    Presented by Tom Driscoll, CEO of EdTechTeacher, Instructor, Speaker, and Author; and Shawn W. McCusker, Educator, Author, Director of Professional Learning for Digital Promise.

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  6. Ensuring High Levels of Literacy through the Work of T.E.A.M.S. (edWebinar)

    October 12, 2022

    Presented by Paula Maeker, Educator, Author, and Advocate for Learner-Centered Education; and Jacqueline Heller, Educator, Coach, Author, and Advocate for High-Level Learning for All Students

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  7. Resilient About Relationships

    October 5, 2022

    Students do not put up walls to avoid relationships, but to see who cares enough to break the walls down. Research shows that building relationships with students increases engagement, motivation, test scores, and grade point averages while decreasing absenteeism, dropout rates, and discipline issues.

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  8. How to Lead a Successful Districtwide PLC at Work®

    July 18, 2022

    If you are serious about high levels of learning for all students throughout your district, look no further than the Professional Learning Communities at Work® process. Evidence shows PLC at Work is more than an improvement process for single schools. When done right, it is a powerful tool for districtwide success. In this webinar, author, education expert, and award-winning superintendent Janel Keating will push your thinking and inspire you to commit to next-level leadership.

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  9. Strengthening School Culture with Educator Wellness

    July 6, 2022

    Level 1 of the High Reliability Schools (HRS) framework addresses the factors considered foundational to the well-being of a school, including educator wellness. Based on the combined works of Dr. Timothy D. Kanold and Dr. Tina H. Boogren and their framework for educator wellness, this webinar will help you learn how to live a well-balanced and fully engaged life in order to build a safe, supportive, and collaborative school culture that positively impacts student achievement.

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  10. The Critical Concepts: Proficiency Scales to Accelerate Student Learning (edWebinar)

    May 4, 2022

    Research indicates that most standards documents articulate far more content than can be taught in the time available to K–12 teachers. In response, analysts at Marzano Resources sought to identify, as objectively as possible, a focused set of critical concepts for each grade level in the content areas of English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies.

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