Mathematics at Work™
- Brittany Mozingo
Brittany Mozingo has more than a decade of experience as an educator in at-risk schools. She is currently the instructional coach at Fern Creek High School, a DuFour Award–winning school in Louisville, Kentucky.
$0.00 - Mathematics at Work™: Creating a College- and Career-Ready Culture for All Students Webinar
October 9, 2014
Hear this powerful success story from Dr. Kanold and co-author Ms. Mona Toncheff and learn how you can implement the same collaborative team actions and practices in your district and sustain a school and classroom culture that supports success in mathematics for every student.
Free webinar - How Do We Close Learning Gaps in Mathematics?
March 30, 2021
How do teachers and teacher teams work to ensure students learn grade- or course-level mathematics? What are best practices to close gaps in learning during instruction or intervention? Giving students access to and experience with grade-level mathematics is critical to student success and continued learning.
Free webinar