- Brittany Mozingo
Brittany Mozingo has more than a decade of experience as an educator in at-risk schools. She is currently the instructional coach at Fern Creek High School, a DuFour Award–winning school in Louisville, Kentucky.
$0.00 - Lauren Johnson
Lauren Johnson is a secondary mathematics teacher and curriculum coordinator for Fullerton Joint Union High School District in Orange County, California. She has taught early childhood, middle school, high school, and adult learners.
$0.00 - Blane McCann
Blane McCann, PhD, is the superintendent of Westside Community Schools in Omaha, Nebraska. Previously, Dr. McCann served as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, and elementary and middle school principal, as well as executive director for K–8 instruction.
$0.00 - Gabriel Ward
Gabriel Ward is an elementary math specialist for the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District in Los Angeles, California. Previously, Gabriel taught at the preschool, elementary, and middle school levels.
$0.00 - Suyi Chuang
Suyi Chuang is the professional learning supervisor for Loudoun County Public Schools in Ashburn, Virginia. Suyi also serves the school district as a certified project-based learning (PBL) facilitator and formerly served the district as a supervisor of K–12 mathematics.
$0.00 - Heidi Eisenreich
Heidi Eisenreich, PhD, is an assistant professor of mathematics education at Georgia Southern University. She currently works with K–8 preservice teachers to help deepen their conceptual understanding of mathematics content.
$0.00 - B. Michelle Rinehart
B. Michelle Rinehart is an assistant superintendent, mathematics specialist, and instructional coach. As a former high school mathematics and science teacher, she is passionate about helping educators leverage high-impact teaching practices.
$0.00 - Aline Zghayyar Abassian
Aline Zghayyar Abassian, PhD, is an instructor of mathematics education at the University of Central Florida. She teaches mathematics education courses to prospective elementary and secondary teachers.
$0.00 - Emily Bonner
Emily Bonner, PhD, is a professor of curriculum and instruction in mathematics education and the associate dean for research and faculty affairs at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
$0.00 - Makini Sutherland
Makini Sutherland, EdD, is a mathematics educator with experience at the elementary, high school, and collegiate level. She has also facilitated training elementary teachers for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Jamaica mathematics project.