- Sarah Ballew
Sarah Ballew is the district mathematics coordinator for grades K-12 at Willis ISD in Texas. She specializes in helping instructional leaders at the elementary and secondary levels implement PLC processes that impact teaching and learning.
$0.00 - Daniel Evans, Jr.
Daniel Evans, Jr. currently serves as the principal of Moores Mill Intermediate School, a Model PLC in Alabama. Previously, he served as a high school career technical education teacher and a high school instructional assistant principal.
$0.00 - Maria Everett
Maria Everett is an educational speaker with over 30 years of experience in mathematics education. Her leadership emphasizes and supports collaborative planning, implementation of rigorous mathematics instruction, and best instructional practices.
$0.00 - Michael L. McWilliams
Michael L. McWilliams is a fierce advocate for classroom teachers, school leaders and staff members who work daily to ensure all students learn at high levels. Michael has spent the last 28 years as an educator, with 20 of those years serving as an elementary school principal. Equipping and empowering others to be the best version of themselves is his life’s mission. He specializes in developing the foundation needed for effective implementation of the Professional Learning Communities at Work® process.
$0.00 - John D. Ewald
John D. Ewald, EdD, is a former superintendent, principal, adjunct professor, and teacher. He has been an administrator and teacher at the elementary, middle, high school, and college levels.
$0.00 - Chad M. V. Dumas
Chad M. V. Dumas, EdD, focuses primarily on collaborating to develop capacity for continuous improvement. An international educational presenter and award-winning researcher, he has led nationally recognized improvements for both students and staff.
$0.00 - Danieli Parker
Danieli Parker is director of innovation and instructional technology for Hallsville ISD in Texas. With more than 18 years of education experience, she has served as a classroom teacher, assistant principal, principal, and director.
$0.00 - Eric Burns
Eric Burns is the principal at Lynn Lucas Middle School for Willis ISD in Willis, Texas. His focus is coaching collaborative teams through the PLC process and designing effective RTI systems to monitor student performance. He has received accolades including being named Hardy Elementary’s Teacher of the Year in 2012 and Willis Independent School District's Principal of the Year in 2020.
$0.00 - Patricia L. Musick
Patricia Musick is the executive director of elementary education at Willis Independent School District in Willis, Texas. Her focus is coaching instructional leaders at elementary and district levels through the PLC Process in order to grow their students and teachers.
$0.00 - Rhonda J. Roos
Rhonda J. Roos, PhD, is an educational expert coaching principals, district leaders, and administrative teams in the ever-challenging work of leading schools. Dr. Roos has served in diverse roles such as a guidance counselor, English teacher, and district administrator.