Featured Presenters
- Brian M. Pete
Brian M. Pete comes from a family of educators—college professors, school superintendents, teachers, and teachers of teachers. He has a rich background in professional development and has worked with adult learners.
- Cheryl Zintgraff Tibbals
Cheryl Tibbals served as a teacher and district leader in California; state director of assessment development in Kentucky; director of the State Leadership Center in Washington, DC; and national consultant and senior advisor to states, districts, and education businesses.
- Susan Udelhofen
Susan Udelhofen, PhD, has 15 years of experience as a consultant. She provides professional development on some of the most relevant topics in education, including the Common Core, assessment, and school improvement.
- Bruce Wellman
Bruce Wellman, a consultant, has served as a classroom teacher, curriculum coordinator, and staff developer in Oberlin, Ohio, and Concord, Massachusetts, public schools.