Authors & Presenters
- Kelli Bateman
Kelli Bateman is an educator with 25 years of experience as a teacher, instructional coach, speaker, and team leader. She creates inspiring learning programs and is passionate about standards-based grading and collaborative assessment—the kind that leads to successful implementations despite resistance.
- Erica Battle
Erica Battle, an education expert with Life Changes in Progress Educational Consulting, has supported thousands of educators nationwide. She has held various roles in education, such as classroom teacher, instructional specialist, teacher mentor, and director of response to intervention, specializing in literacy.
- Kim Baxter
Kim Baxter is an instructional specialist in social studies and literacy in the Socorro Independent School District in El Paso, Texas. She is a former social studies teacher, campus intervention coach, and secondary campus administrator.
- Michael D. Bayewitz
Michael Bayewitz is the principal of Cloverly Elementary School in Silver Spring, Maryland. He has previously served as a director of elementary schools, principal, assistant principal, and classroom teacher.
- Scott Beattie
Scott M. Beattie is the assistant superintendent for instruction of the Windsor Central School District in Windsor, New York. With over 15 years experience, he specializes in professional learning community and Community School implementation, technology integration, and K–12 career pathway development.
- Becky Jo Evers-Gerdes
Becky Jo Evers-Gerdes, EdD, is the dean of academics at Loyola Catholic School in Mankato, Minnesota. Becky earned her master’s degree from Minnesota State University and doctorate from Bethel University.
- Linda Beggs
Linda Beggs has more than 30 years of organizational development experience, specializing in culture, change, and team effectiveness. She collaborates with schools to create a high-trust culture essential to implementing wraparound resource centers.
- Chris Beingessner
Chris Beingessner is the middle school principal of Singapore American School, located in the Woodlands area of Singapore. He has been a vice principal in elementary, middle and high schools around the world and has taught grades 1–12.
- Kendra Bell
Kendra Bell, PhD, retired from Peoria Unified School District in Arizona in 2022 after serving as chief academic officer for the district. Throughout her career, Dr. Bell has emphasized the importance of continual improvement through professional learning communities.
- Jacobē Bell
Jacobē Bell has nearly 20 years of service as a teacher, instructional coach, and network administrator. Her experience spans coaching principals, teachers, and network teams; teaching students at every grade level; and designing culturally responsive curriculum and professional development sessions.